Clubs & Societies Events

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Postgrad and Mature student KPA social

Keele Postgraduate Association (KPA)
Wednesday 12 February 2025
5pm - 7pm

This event is run by Kink

Due to our largely undergrad and younger membership demographics, we understand this can make it harder to connect to other society members.

Every member of every age group and background deserves to be included, so while all members are always welcome at our usual Friday socials,

we have decided to hold dedicated socials for everyone who feels awkward attending those sessions.

As ever, all attendees are free to contact the committee via email (, the kinksoc instagram profile DMs and via discord to suggest any topics you want to cover,

along with any questions and feedback regarding socials and the society as a whole.

These socials will be held every Wednesday at the KPA from 17:00 until 19:00 and will be much less formal than our Friday socials.

Hope to see you there!

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