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Langar on Campus 2025 by Keele University Sikh Society

Keele Chapel, Keele
Thursday 27 February 2025
10am - 4pm

This event is run by Sikh

Keele University Sikh Society's annual event, Langar on Campus, is back for 2025!

We are proud to present this year's Langar on Campus event. We are holding our event in Keele Chapel from 10am to 4pm on Thursday 27th February 2025!

With the utmost blessings of Sikhism's First Guru, we will be serving a free vegetarain meal to all, regardless of faith, background, race, beliefs, ethnicity, gender, orientation or identity, whilst spreading the message of Sikhism.

This event is for all students, staff, members of the public of Stoke-on-Trent and we hope to see everyone attend! There's no catch - this event is a free vegetarian meal for all. Vegan and gluten-free options also available. We are also being sustainable and eco-friendly as possible during our event.

We hope to see everyone there!

Poster for Langar on Campus 2025 by Keele Sikh Society

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