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Student Voice Update: YOUR IDEAS

Your ideas, Your Union.

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KeeleSU is run by students, for students. So we want to hear your ideas so our work is always shaped by you. 


Each week, your Sabbatical Officers and Student Voice Team meet to discuss any ideas you have submit online, both the new ones and the progress of the one’s we are still working on.


You can find these ideas on the home page by clicking the "Tell Us How We Can Improve!" button. We know the format in which you submit these ideas could be better and we’re working on it! We’re trying to create a page that is more accessible and we’ll let you know how we’re getting on. Until we have this new page, we’ve provided you with some feedback.


You’ll find 4 Tags on the website and each idea has been tagged with whether it’s NEW, if we’re working on it (IN PROGRESS), it’s not something that is possible currently, or whether it’s something your elected officers have completed (YOU SAID WE DID). Where things are not possible, the officers have written a response to let you know why that is. If you want any more information, you can contact the officers directly here.

Click here to head to the Bright Ideas section.

Below are some of the highlights of what your elected officers have achieved already from what you have asked for!




Remember you can always discuss student issues at a Union General Meeting. UGMs are for ALL students- anyone can attend, anyone can speak, everyone will listen.  

Find more info about UGMs here.