Referendum Motion

AGM Motions 8th December - Online Votes

Part-Time Officer Review

At this year's Annual General Meeting a motion for a Part-Time Officer review gained 35 votes for, 44 against and 11 abstensions. Because this motion did not gain the required supermajority of two thirds, it is being put to an all student vote. At this stage, no further amendments can be submitted and the motion text is final. Voting opens at 9am on Monday 18th January, and closes at 12pm (midday) Thursday 21st January.


  • KeeleSU has identified reforming Part-Time Officers and Union Council as a priority in response to the 2019 Democratic Review, which delegated additional powers and responsibilities to Union Council. 
  • As such, a report has been prepared and published during this semester which focuses on four key issues: purpose, democratic legitimacy, training, and preparedness. 
  • This report was conducted with a mind to increasing engagement to Union Council and on bringing Union Council further into line with the NUS’s ‘Democratic Goods’. 
  • This report was conducted alongside consultations with the wider student body and with the incumbent Part-Time Officers. 


  • KeeleSU shall adopt the recommendations of the attached Part-Time Officer Review. 
  • KeeleSU shall report back to a future Union General Meeting on the outcome of Recommendation 7 (Postgraduate Representative), proposing Bye-Law changes if necessary. 
  • KeeleSU shall amend Chapters 1 and 6 of the Bye-Laws to the attached proposed Chapters 1 and 6. 
  • This motion shall come into effect immediately, but shall not affect the incumbent Part-Time Officers’ roles nor their responsibilities until the end of their term for the current academic year.
  • To task Student Voice to replace any other references to the previous elected officers in the KeeleSU Bye-Laws and to submit these amendments to the next Union Council Meeting for approval.

You can read more on this proposal here.