Officer Blogs

Experience & Community Officer Blog

Hi I’m Tom, your elected Activities & Community Officer. I’m here to represent the students views to the university whilst also making sure you get the most out of your time here at Keele whether it be doing volunteering work out in the community or getting involved with all the societies we have at Keele.

I studied the Environment and Sustainability BSc at Keele University. During this time I involved myself mostly with Think:Green Society as President and Amnesty Society as Secretary. I was also last year's International Students' Officer at Keele SU. In my spare time I love to cook while listening to music (mostly the Beatles), play video games, and enjoy the environment through walks and gardening.

Talk to me about:

  • Our 150+ societies
  • RAG (Raise & Give) - our charity fundraising
  • Volunteering

Email me at or contact me on social media below:

 Facebook logo: Click here to be directed to Sam's facebook profileTwitter logo: Click here to be directed to Sam's twitter profile

February UGM Report

1. Introduction
Hey Everyone. It’s been a fairly short amount of time between the AGM and this UGM with a few additional things to work on so there are only a few things to report back to you all. There are a few things general things to update on.
I have been working with Aysha in Student Voice on the BeTheBoss Campaign. It is the SU’s campaign on helping People of Colour put themselves forward and there are sessions for individuals who maybe aren’t sure if they want to stand. I have recorded a video for it and I will also be part of the sessions in helping students advise them on coming forward. Feel free to contact a Sabbatical Officer on how to run or for any advice on their positions. We have a campaign on suggesting people to run; please speak to Student Voice for more details and they can also advise you on running to be an Officer.
In the interests of not making the report longer than it needs to be, I have had very few specific meetings but will list them here instead of under a section for itself.

· Keele Chaplaincy

· UEC one to one meeting

· ESSG – Environment and Sustainability Strategy Group

· Student Services Directorate and IT

· Deputy Director of Estates


2. Officer Activity
2.1 Preferred name change or “Known as” name
This has been something I’ve been working on since October since raised by a society and I had a meeting last week with Student Services and IT. We had a discussion over what exists that could help what students asked to be done and what needs to be done to bridge the gap. We discussed that there is a “Known as” or preferred name procedure for students but it only available at original enrolment, and what needs to be done is to make this available more freely.
As a result, one of the actions for the meeting was to create something accessible potentially on evision for students to do change their “known as” names more accessibly so that this can be done other than just at enrolment.
The other action is before that function goes up, is a remapping and updating of what changing or inputting a “known as” name does in the system and what it affects. This is In order to protect students from mistakes that could happen or be inadvertently outed as well as that it can’t alter things that are related to official documentation that would require deed poll name changes or negatively affect international students.
It will take some time for IT and Student Services to match things up across systems correctly so that this works as intended and is fully operational. There will be future updates but this report is an affirmation that this change will be happening

2.2 Faith At Keele
I had a meeting early in January with the Chaplaincy about the Faith At Keele revival. We now have a working draft terms of reference. This is in the process of being confirmed. If all the composite parts and the required invitees are on board then the group can proceed reformed as planned.

2.3 Herbaceous
Myself and Sarah Briggs have been having discussions on how to best make this progress forward. A tandem student led with estates approach to have students more involved in the initiative and their campus is what hopefully we are looking at. Though with the pandemic and lockdown as it is currently, until restrictions ease to a greater extent, there isn’t much that can be materially done to develop the project and this will make part of my handover to the next Activities & Community Officer.

2.4 The Music Department
Many students, student groups and the Societies Executive Part Time Officer for Music, Dance and Performance - Alys, have been approaching me on this issue. We have been keeping a close eye on it and we will continue to be raising concerns in our meetings and discussions.
It will be an agenda item brought up in our partnership meeting with senior university staff which we will be having this month so we can continue to advocate the arts for students, ask for answers and have on the record affirmations of what is true and untrue due to various information that has been flying about.
I have received some letters of objection to the university’s move to close music and they will be placed in front of the University Executive while we will be looking for answers.
We as a Students Union will representing students on this and you will be informed of updates on this.

2.5 Estates and Invisible Disabilities
Earlier today the (In)visible Disabilities society and I had a great meeting with Estates on (In)visible disabilities, accommodation and campus buildings/facilities. The meeting was very positive and looked at what more we can do across the campus in pre-emptive processes for the needs of people and accessibility when it comes to the above subjects and future campus projects. The meeting was very constructive and will look to hopefully build upon it in the coming months.

3. Other updates
In other news we have been listed for several Green Gown awards this year so fingers crossed and keep your eyes peeled for updates on that.
There have been works ongoing to make your SU building better post lockdown and social distancing (whenever that happens).


There is still time to nominate yourself for the Keele SU Sabbatical Officer Elections. Nominations close on February 15th. Please feel free to talk to and ask questions to Sabbatical Officers about their roles and tips for running.
If you’re a Womxn or a Person of Colour put yourselves forward in the SU Elections!
It is more important than ever at that you put yourselves forward, be counted and stand to be the leaders and Officers of the future.
