Full-Time Officer Roles

Keele SU will be electing four Full-Time Officers ahead of the 2023/24 academic year, with several roles having changed significantly from previous years. We have detailed below what these roles will look like, and how they represent you!

Experience & Community Officer

This is the role with the most changes, incorporating many of the responsibilities of the Activities and Community Officer, as well as the AU and Sport Officer. Like all four roles, there will be an increased emphasis on strategic responsibilities, with more operational (the day-to-day) work being the responsibility of the Activities Department and the Athletic Union. The overall purpose of this role is to implement an officer role that works to ensure there are opportunities for students to participate in activities beyond the formal curriculum that will contribute to their sense of belonging, personal and professional development and overall happiness.  This includes, but crucially is not limiited to, clubs and societies. They work to tackle the barriers faced by students who are less likely to engage in activity beyond their degree. This officer would work closely with the teams within the Students’ Union to champion clubs, societies, volunteering and student development and employability. They would also work to engage those students who may be less likely to engage such as international, mature and commuter students.  

Wellbeing Officer

This role was previously the Welfare and Diversity Officer, incorporating many of their responsibilities. There will be an increased emphasis on strategic responsibilities to ensure the university provides suitable welfare support services, and to work on tackling structural discrimination faced by students from a liberation background, such as LGBTQ+ students, and students with disabilities.  This officer would work closely with Union and University support services to ensure the wellbeing and safety of students at Keele. They would also advocate on behalf of liberation students. 

Development & Democracy Officer

Previously known as the Union Development and Democracy Officer, this role does not see any major changes, and remains an officer that focuses on the student facing services of the Students’ Union, the University and the wider community with a particular focus on democratic engagement. They will work with Student Voice to develop democratic systems, negotiate with university and local community to improve services such as accommodation and transport.

Education Officer

This is the only role not to see any changes. They will continue to focus on the educational experience of students. This officer would work closely with Student Voice Representatives and would represent students on academic committees.