Book Club


  • Book Club Student Membership Only - Semester2£4.00
  • Book Club Student Membership With Book - Semester2£10.00

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Keele University Book Club

Keele Book Club is a newly formed society where students can discuss a wide range of democratically chosen literature. 

We hope that due to there being no pre-required skills to join, those who may not otherwise meet will be able to share ideas and have discussions with those from all walks of life. We aim to bring people together in a collaborative, relaxed environment allowing ideas to flow. 

We will host separate socials and discussion meetings: 

  • Socials will have a variety of themes, usually relating to the genre of the book being read or just being focused on the book itself. Examples of these are crafting nights (tote bag, bauble, bookmark making, etc.) and viewings of book adaptations whether that be movies or TV shows. 
  • Discussions will be on a set number of chapters every week, which will be made clear to members. These will usually take the form of members splitting into small groups and forming questions to then ask everyone in the room. Each group will then discuss in their smaller circles and feed back. 

As a general rule, socials will be fortnightly on Mondays from 6-8 pm & discussions will be every week on Thursdays from 6-8 pm. As of 30/01/2024, all socials and discussions will be sober and held in Chapters Cafe on campus - unless explicitly stated otherwise. This is located in between the post office and Co-op. 

To follow our journey as a new society and vote on polls that will be released to determine what members want, please follow us on our social media:

- Instagram @KeeleBookClub  - Facebook @Keele.Book.Club

We also have a WhatsApp group where we will be updating members on any changes regarding socials and discussions and as a space to contribute to the decision for the next book:

*Please note that there are 2 different memberships - both semesterly. The £4 membership covers the cost of most socials being hosted - with the exception of socials that may be more extravagant, in collaboration with other societies or off-site - any materials that will be needed to make socials as fun as possible, and booking spaces where necessary. We will avoid any extra cost where possible and do not foresee doing so more than once a semester. The £10 membership will cover the cost of all books that will be read that semester as well as the above. 

*It is never too late to join, please do make sure to get in touch to see where we're up to in the book being read at the time! 

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