Get Involved

Dive into clubs, societies, and volunteering opportunities. Meet new friends, learn new skills, and make memories. Have a choice of over 150 Sports Clubs and Societies to join, be a part of 25,000 hours of volunteering, contribute to £50,000 of student led fundraising or just try something new!

Student Group News//

Keele Panthers Level 2 Captain Makes Team England!

Get ready to watch your Level 2 Team Captain compete at the Cheerleading World Championships in Orlando, Florida, April 2025.

Latest Events//

PharmSoc Karaoke
Squirrel Bar, Student union Building
A fun & relaxed karaoke event hosted by Pharmacy Society. Whether you are a member of PharmSoc, a Pharmacy student or just someone with a lot of Pharmacy friends, all are welcome!!! Free entry for PharmSoc members and £1 ticket for everyone else!


How do I run an event?

We have training on how to run an event if you are a committee members, however, with each event needing different support, our advice is to always come to Membership services to discuss any event (especially if its your first) as you may need to work with a range of SU departments, develop a detailed plan and contingency plan, make sure that finances are available and many other aspects that need discussing.

How do I book a room or equipment?

Membership services have a range of equipment a Club or Society may want to use, such as cameras, video cameras, speakers, Dictaphones, Tripods and even a drone. You can book this equipment through the booking hub, if you can't find something you are looking for, please contact the Membership Services team.

How do I book transport?

Keele SU has multiple minibuses available for hire by students, each one differs in size and number of seats. There is a cost connected to minibuses including fuel and driver, plus students need to meet a certain criteria to get insured to drive the minibuses. All of this information can be found on our website, or you can speak to our facilities team who will be able to give you all the advice you will need.

How do I donate raised money to charity?

If you raise money for a charity as a Club or Society, the best way to pay in is through your groups finance account. If you have raised cash, we have a cash machine in the finance office which will transfer the money directly into your groups account. We have training on how to do this through your committee training, but if you have any questions or require any more information please contact the membership services tea