Student Voice Reps

Student Voice Representatives provide academic representation to ensure you have your say in the quality of education you receive. Any student can apply to be a Voice Rep.

Academic representation for all Keele Students, tackling academic issues, improving students academic experience and making real change.


Every student at Keele has come here to study, so we're all invested in the quality of our academic experience. Our Academic Representatives, from Voice Reps all the way up to our Education Officer, are here to ensure that your academic interests are represented to the University and Students’ Union.

Academic Representation at Keele starts with our Student Voice Representatives, or Voice Reps. We have Voice Reps for every course at Keele, where they speak to students, listen to their concerns, and feed these back to schools to help improve the quality of your education. It is feeding back on your experiences that ensures your student voice is heard, and then through our representation structure all students are then given a platform to share there experience and make change for the better.

More information about becoming a Student Voice Representative will be sent out to you closer to the start of the academic year.

Why become a Student Voice Rep?

Being a Student Voice Rep is a chance to make a difference to your academic community, as well as develop some excellent employability skills that will help your personal development and allow you to stand out during and after your studies.

Employability skills you can gain:

  • Leadership and Negotiation skills

  • Communicate effectively with a variety of stakeholders

  • Collaborative problem solving

  • Advocacy

  • Lobbying for positive change for students

You'll be supported by the Student Voice Department at Keele SU, your Lead Voice Reps, and our Education Officer. We offer training just after elections, as well as support throughout the year to make sure you can perform your role effectively. We also hold our annual SU Awards at the end of the academic year, to recognise and reward Voice Reps and other volunteers for their contributions to the Keele Community. 
The applications for Voice Reps take place at the beginning of the academic year, so keep an eye out after the summer for these. We appoint Voice Reps for every course from foundation year to postgraduate, so there's always a chance to get involved!

Interested in nominating yourself but want more information? If you feel a little unsure or have questions, just email

Information for Students

There are a number of Student Voice Representatives within each School at Keele University. These students will ask you for feedback throughout the year, this might be in person, before or after lectures, via email or social media. The representatives attend meetings with academic and administrative staff in your School where they can discuss these issues. 

If there are any academic issues you need help with, you can go to your Student Voice Representatives and they will discuss these issues with staff at the meetings they attend. 

What are Student Voice Representatives able to help me with? 

Some of the issues SVRs have helped to resolve in the past include problems with resources (for example, not enough books in the library for a module), unsuitable teaching rooms, online resources, confusing teaching styles or assessment feedback, and ideas for curriculum development.

Don't forget positive feedback! If there is something you love about your course, tell your Student Voice Representative so they can tell the School! 

If you have an individual issue or complaint that should not be brought up in a meeting with staff and students, you can contact ASK at Keele SU. ASK can help with a range of issues from academic appeals, complaints, health, immigration, housing, family, legal and financial issues.