Officer Blogs

Education Officer Blog

Hi, my name is Matt and I am your Education Officer for this year. My role is to support your studies and ensure that you get the most out of your experience at Keele. I am responsible for a number of projects including Student Voice Representatives, whereby your opinions can be acted on at both a course and school level. My role also includes making sure that your voice is heard and acted on, as well as providing change to university processes including Exceptional Circumstances.

Talk to me about:

  • Become a Student Voice rep
  • Issues on your course of study
  • Accessibility of resources

Email me at

Thu 08 Feb 2024

February UGM - NSS, APP and Elections

AI – I am pleased to see the university has published it’s study guide on AI, this can be accessed here Study Guide: Using Generative AI Effectively for your Learning ( I am continuing to push for a standard policy which requires module guides to have a clear and defined section where AI can be used in modules, including in assessments.

National Student Survey – The National Student Survey has launched, this is a survey for final years to fill in which covers the whole of your Keele experience. It is a great opportunity to have your voice heard, it has helped bring around changes in collaboration with Keele SU Officers like better peer mentoring support and 24/7 library opening hours.

Access and Participation Plan – myself and Tom are helping the university in the running of it’s student consultation around access and participation, this aims to reduce inequalities within the university for students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who have lower progression rates. Please get involved if you can, we will be launching a document for this soon!

Elections – Being Education Officer is an incredibly rewarding job, it’s significance is paramount to scrutinising the university and achieving big wins for students. I have loved my time in the role and can’t wait to see who is elected next!