Coaches and Session Leaders

Learn how your club can hire a coach for the academic year to enhance members' skills. Find out about coach registration, club-coach relationships, and payment processes. Get support from the Athletic Union.

Hiring a coach:

Your club can hire a coach for the academic year to help further develop your member's skills. The Athletic Union (AU) does not advertise or employ sports coaches. Therefore, if your club wishes to have a coach, that's up to your committee to source. If you don't know where to start, the AU is happy to help. 

Coach Registration:

For an individual to be eligible to coach your club (paid or unpaid) they must meet the following minimum standards:
  • Is over 18
  • Holds an appropriate National Governing Body qualification
  • Has in date and valid public liability/indemnity insurance
  • Holds a first aid certificate (not always necessary if training takes place at Keele Sports Centre)
  • Has read the Coach Engagement Policy and any further documents listed in that policy
  • Completed, signed and returned the registration form

All documents listed above and any further relevant documents the individual holds must be sent to the Athletic Union via email BEFORE any coaching can commence!


Club-coach relationship:

It is important that the person you select to be your coach understands what you want from them as a club. This should be discussed before any training commences and clear boundaries should be set between the coach and club members. The AU's coach engagement policy lists our expectations from a coach as a starting point. 
It is also crutial to remember that a coach is NOT responsible for:
  • Running your club - this is your club. Coaches are encouraged to work alongside the captain and committee but cannot run the club's day to day operations.
  • Disciplining athletes - this must be undertaken by the Athletic Union in consultation with the club committee.
  • Organising tours.
  • A coach is not eligible to vote or hold any committee role unless they are a Keele University student and a paying member of the club.

Remember, this is your club to run and if a coach is not meeting your expectations, please come and speak to the Athletic Union. 

Paying your coach:

Sports coaches will be paid for their services through Keele University Students' Union Finance. Ensure you have agreed on the payment method and sum before any training begins.

Sports coaches are expected to produce an invoice describing the services/sessions delivered, total cost and payment information. This invoice must be given to the club committee alongside a completed and signed 'External Services Form'. It is the club's responsibility to submit both the invoice and completed services formThis link will open in a new tab online for payment. 

Should a coach fail to provide the necessary evidence listed in the coaching policy, payment will be withheld.

It is the responsibility of the sports coach to declare all earnings to HMRC.


Download the AU Coaching Policy here.This link will open in a new tab