There are a number of reasons why a club or society might be receiving money. Perhaps you’ve been successful with a grant, or maybe you’ve secured a sponsorship from an external party. Hopefully this page will tell you everything you need to know about how to boost your bank account!
Memberships, Tickets & Product Sales
Anything a student purchases from the society through the Keele SU website will automatically appear in your group’s bank account within three to five working days. You will be able to see these transactions if you contact us and ask for a statement of your account.
- Memberships - We would recommend that all groups have at least a small membership fee so that the society has enough money to cover basic costs. Membership can be purchased through your club or society’s webpage and is non-refundable.
- Tickets – Committees can set up tickets to events through your committee admin tools.
- Product Sales – Some groups sell merchandise through their society webpage. This is a great way to boost society funds and can be a lot of fun!
Grants are a great way to boost funds for a club or society. There are three potential angles that a grant might come from, and the way you receive that money depends on who is giving it to you.
- Keele SU Grants – These will be automatically transferred into your group’s account shortly after you hear back about the outcome of your application. You can view a full list of our student group grants here.
- Keele University Grants – Our accounts are held separate to the University’s so if you are receiving money from a University grant scheme (e.g. Keele Key Fund), the transfer will be arranged by staff at Keele SU. Please contact to sort out the transfer.
- External Grants – If you will be receiving a grant from an external party, you will need to fill out the Invoice Request form. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for more information.
Sometimes a student, family member or friend may offer to make a donation to your club or society. There are two ways which you could go about receiving the money, and the best option will likely depend on the circumstances of your donation. Please note that donations are non-refundable.
- Set up a Product on your Webpage – This is a useful way of receiving small amounts of money, direct to your group’s account. Products are also useful for receiving cashless payments if you’re hosting a stall; you could set up products for common donation amounts (e.g. 50p, £1, £2, £5 etc) and let the donor choose a combination of products until they reach their desired donation amount.
- Raise an Invoice – This is the more appropriate option for larger amounts of money, or money received from an organisation rather than an individual. To raise an invoice, you will need to fill out the Invoice Request Form. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for more information.
Securing a sponsorship is another useful way of receiving money or resources to benefit the society. It might be that you receive a share of a company’s profits if you hold enough socials at their establishment, or maybe you receive some money in exchange for using their logo on your group’s kit or uniform. Whatever it is, you will need to fill out the Invoice Request Form in order for the society to receive this money. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for more information.
IMPORTANT: You must gain permission from Keele SU before signing or finalising an agreement so that we can check for conflicts of interest. If your group signs anything without first gaining approval from Keele SU, you will be in direct breach of the Club & Society Agreement and you and/or your club or society may face sanctions. This applies to all contracts and sponsorships, regardless of whether or not a financial transaction is involved.
Invoice Request Form
If your club or society is receiving money from a third party (e.g. through a grant or sponsorship), you will need to fill out this form so that our Finance Team can generate an invoice for you to receive the payment. This form must be filled out by your President/Captain or the Treasurer, and you must upload a copy of your contract/proof of your agreement with the party you are receiving the money from.
Please note that once an invoice has been raised, it will take around 30 days for the money to reach your group's account. The transaction will not be visible through your committee admin tools as it will be made outside of the MSL finance system. For a full breakdown of your group's finances, please contact and ask for a nominal report.
The weekly deadline for filling out this form is 9am on a Wednesday for us to process it that week. If you miss this deadline, we will process your form the following Wednesday.

Need details for a Bank Transfer?
Sometimes you may need money paying directly into your account. There is only one bank account for the whole Students' Union so we ask that you email to obtain the account number and sort code. Remember you will need to include a reference that is the full name of your Club or Society so that our finance team knows where to allocate the payment.