The Societies Executive are a group of individuals elected from within existing society committees who meet throughout the year to focus on society development and within the following remit:
- Guide and assist the Activities department with society activities or events
- Holding the Activities and Community Officer to account and influencing their campaigns and priorities
- Reviewing and voting on the annual Keele SU Society Awards
- Having the power to call emergency Society Forums or Societies Exec Meetings
- Hosting Society Forums on a quarterly basis
- Deciding on sanctions for societies who are not following the Code of Conduct or complying with the Keele SU constitution
- Approving union requests to dissolve inactive societies
- Reviewing complaints which may result in disciplinary procedures
If you or someone you know is interested in joining a society, please click here.
You can contact the Societies Executive by emailing
Do you have an idea or a piece of feedback that you would like the team to feed back to the Activities Department? Submit your idea to the Societies' Executive now!
Name (Optional)
Email Address (Optional)
Please Note: This form is for ideas and feedback around how Keele SU can improve the society experience for students. Any specific queries or complaints should be emailed to
Meet The Team:
Societies Executive 2023-24
Alys Webber (She/Her)
Fifth Year Masters in Technical Leadership in Analytical Science
Committee Member for Keele Drama Society
"I ran for societies executive because I want to be able to give back to the societies I am a part of, as well as helping other societies get involved and have their voices heard by Keele SU. I know that this pandemic has been hard on all of our societies, and I want to be a part of the rebuilding movement to help bring our societies back to their full capabilities. I am extremely excited to hear from all of you, and if you have any problems, don’t hesitate to get in contact with me. "
Amy Lee (She/Her)
Third Year in MSci Forensic and Analytical Science
Committee Member for Aerial Dance Society and Dance Society
"I ran for Societies Executive because I love the societies I have joined and the genuine support and friendships I have gained through them. As I couldn't possibly commit anymore time to actually participating in another, this was the best way I could think of to give back to that: by having a direct contribution and say in the decisions surrounding what I honestly think is the best part of university life, in hopes that the differences I could potentially make have a positive impact so others also get an enjoyable and stress-free experience out of it too."
Matthew Kemp (he/Him)
4th Year Masters in English Literature
Committee Member for Keele Casual Gaming
"Being apart of socieities has been a huge part of my time at keele and I have made some incredible friends along the way as a result. As a society executive I want to help ensure students are also able to have incredible experiences with societies like I have."
Bobbie Parr (They/He)
Third Year in Sociology
Committee Member for LGBTQ+ Society, Disability Society & Kink Society
"Being actively involved in societies since I joined Keele has had a massive positive impact on my University experience that’s taught me a lot. Particularly I’ve loved being involved in societies and events surrounding liberation groups, wellbeing and education, and I can’t wait to work with more societies in these areas in the future."
Giselle Pearson (She/Her)
Second Year in Computer Science & Mathematics
Committee Member for Aerial Dance Society and Dance Society
"Societies are my favourite part of university. In my first year at Keele, I created the Aerial Dance Society and joined the committee of Dance Society and I've loved the experience. I became a societies executive to help bring a voice to all the societies."
Jamie Sellers (He/Him)
First Year in Marketing and Media
"I enjoy the student life at Keele, and Societies are an important part of that, which is why I want to help people get the best student life experience, by improving societies and activities, as a Society Executive."
Sophie Borman (She/They)
Fourth Year doing an Integrated Masters in Forensics
“I have been involved in a range of societies, and I hope to give back to them the best I can. I have massive love for all of the friends I’ve made through them and the support they’ve provided me for my 3 years here. I want to help be a voice for students in any society not just those I’m a part of.”