Obstetrics & Gynaecology


  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology Student Membership£2.00

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Keele O&G Society 2024/5

Our society offers a variety of educational and clinical sessions.  

In the last few years we have run the following events:

·       National Student Conference 

·       Obstetrics and Gynaecology career evening

·       Year 4 Revision Day including MCQ style questions and OSCE circuits

·       Topical talks from a Forensic Gynaecologist, FGM specialists

·       Case presentations from senior medical students

We are also actively involved in fundraising for women's health charities. So far we raised over £1,000 for the Eve Appeal, Miscarriage association and Savana. We also collect Sanitary products annually to donate to period power to distribute across homeless shelters, food banks and schools.

Join us if you're interested in a career in Obstetrics & Gynaecology for exciting and insightful events! 





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