Socialist Community


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The Keele University Socialist Community (KUSC) is a new society which aims to teach, discuss, debate and further the cause of socialism and left-wing politics. All political backgrounds are welcome!

Who Are We?

KUSC is a community where we will advocate for equality, reform and freedom. We are a collective of left wing students who felt Keele needed a place for Socialists and other leftists to gather, discuss and thrive. We stand for anti-racism, pro-lgbtq+, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist and anti-classist ideology. Our main goal is education in the realms of theory and praxis. In welcoming new and old leftists we hope to foster a safe and practical environment in which we can further the cause of Socialism and other left-wing ideas. 

What Will We Do?

Our socials are based on teaching others about the wide ranging and significant impact that Capitalism has had on modern society and how Socialism can aid in remedying these ills. Topics will range from income inequality, the birth lottery, fatphobia, anti-lgbtq ideas and legislation, mental health, racism, disability discrimination and many more. We will also analyse key left-wing theory and ideas where we teach others about their origins, impact, pros and cons. As a society we aim to educate as many as we can regardless of political background, age, gender etc. 

Despite us being a pro-socialism and pro-left community, we recognise that socialism has its flaws. Our socials will focus on these flaws and encouraging through provoking discussions and debates about the latter and their possible solutions. We will also run sessions where we break down, analyse and critique right-wing ideas such as Capitalism, mass privatisation of property and the fallacy that is inequality being essential for a functioning society. As leftists it is vital that we understand our own philosophies as well as those on the right and far right to further our cause. To encourage more well rounded discussions and conclusions we welcome those across the political spectrum. 

We will set up official, well moderated debates with other political societies such as Labour Students, Young Conservatives and Young Liberals. We consider language, outside of direct action, to be one the most powerful tools of the left. With these debates, we aim to make others aware of left-wing ideas and philosophies, thus spreading the word and ultimately the cause of Socialism. 

Finally, we plan to organise and participate in campaigns and demonstrations both locally and across the country. Our members will be made aware of any demonstrations we can access and attend and are free to do the same; we encourage members to contact any member of the committee via email or media with any information and updates they come across and let your fellow comrades know. Whilst KUSC is an open society to all political backgrounds, our goal remains; to further the cause of Socialism and promote its cornestones of equality, individuality, democracy and philosophy that everyone deserves a happy and comfortable life free of systemic and capitalistic oppression. 

We look forward to vibing with you Comrade :)

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