

  • Dermatology Student Membership£0.00

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Keele DermSoc is a society for all students interested in Dermatology, whether you are thinking of pursuing a career in dermatology or have an interest in skin.

 Dermatology is a speciality that spans both medicine and surgery. 

Keele Dermsoc aims to promote awareness and education on skin disease and other dermatological conditions amongst Keele medical undergraduate trainees and healthcare professionals.

We will be holding a series of lectures with guest speakers talking on a range of topics such as what a career in dermatology entails and current dermatology issues such as skin cancer and aesthetic medicine. We also hope to give our members an opportunity to apply their dermatology knowledge to any medical profession and understand the wide use of and importance of this medical specialty! Additionally, we will be holding revision workshops before final exams.

Keele Dermsoc is supported by the British Association of Dermatologists.

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