Ears Nose Throat


  • Ears Nose Throat Student Membership£2.00

Welcome to your brand new Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Society!

ENT is a great specialty that is a good mix of surgery and medicine, with a variety of patients! In fact, being an ENT surgeon will allow you to work with both adults and children.

We would like to increase awareness about ENT and help students learn about ENT topics and conditions, as unfortanetely we don't get many hospital placements with ENT doctors. 

By joining us, you will:

  • Have access to our teaching series (including lectures on ENT conditions, OSCE prep, and others)
  • Attend talks and conferences with ENT surgeons from all over the world with amazing stories! 
  • Extend your knowledge about pursuing a career in ENT 
  • Get dicsounts to all of our events!

We hope to meet many of you this year!



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