Data Science and AI


  • Data Science and AI Associate Membership£2.00
  • Data Science and AI Student Membership£2.00

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Data Science and AI Society

Empowering minds through Data Science and AI.

Who are we?

Keele University's Tech Career Hub

Through our focus on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, we aim to empower fellow students by providing guidance and resources to navigate the journey into the tech industry.

What do we offer?

🔍 Explore the latest trends and technologies in data science and AI.
📊 Engage in hands-on workshops and seminars.
💡 Connect with industry professionals and academic experts.
👥 Network with like-minded peers and grow your professional circle.

Don't miss out!

Make sure to follow us on our Instagram page for more updates and info!

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    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.

    Club and Society Committee Elections 2024-25

    This is the Annual Committee Elections, where all clubs and societies elect a brand new committee in time for the new academic year.

    1404 posts are up for election.

    The polls have closed.