

  • Chemistry Associate Membership£3.00
  • Chemistry Student Membership£3.00

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Welcome to Keele Chemistry Society! We meet weekly for fun socials and guided study sessions (with snacks!) to try and support each other in the study of Chemistry as well as allow Chemistry students to talk and get to know each other outside of the classroom! 

We are primarily for students who study Chemistry or a degree that contains Chemistry. Please feel free to come along to our sessions and meet the lovely committee!

Look forward to seeing everyone there :)

Valentines Quiz
11th February
We have a Valentines quiz for students and lecturers! Sign up here below
Study Session
20th February
Study sessions with snacks!
Laser Tag
25th February
Lymelight Boulevard
Laser Tag at Lymelight Boulevard in Newcastle under Lyme. Sign up form below.
    There are no current meetings
    There are no current news articles.



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    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.