<p>Hi! Welcome to the <b>Keele Psychiatry Society</b> page, we’re so happy to see you here. As a society we’re a group of students interested in mental health and the profession of psychiatry, and we’re hoping to increase mental health awareness within the university - starting with this society. </p>
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<p><b>Our aims: </b></p>
<li>To promote good mental health, and positive mental health practices </li>
<li>To increase awareness and education of mental illness </li>
<li>To organise and promote mental health related events around the university and UK</li>
<li>To encourage people to join the profession of psychiatry </li>
<li>To provide educational support to those studying medicine through talks and OSCE practice</li>
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<p>We are free to join to make psychiatry as accessible to everyone as possible, though some of our events with quests may have some cost to enter, but we’ll do our best to keep costs to a minimum. We hope we’ve convinced you to join, and look forward to see you at future events!</p>
There are no current meetings
There are no current news articles.
You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.