Bikers of Keele


  • Bikers of Keele Student Membership£3.75

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Join the Bikers of Keele for thrilling rides and a shared passion for motorcycles.

Bikers Of Keele

Bikers of Keele is aims to provide a network for bikers and motorbike enthusiasts at Keele

  • Don't have a license yet? Ask us for info, advice and tips
  • Don't own a bike but like garage talk or watching MotoGP? Come chat
  • Go on group rides, buddy up, plan trips and share expertise..
  • Argue why an R6 has better ABS than the other ABS tech on the market
  • Attend local bike meets and get involved with the larger biker community

We are a very easy going society welcoming motorbikes of all sizes and style.. Got a moped? No discrimination here

As of this year we have been forced to start charging for membership due to insurance reasons. This is something that we are obliged to do and is intended to protect students should they be injured undertaking activity within the society. All money received via membership is for this purpose.


It all begins with a CBT* session... 

Enquire if you are interested by dropping me an email or DM me on IG; @keelebikers


*(CBT = Compulsory Basic Training, not Cognitive Behavioural Therapy... get your therapy from riding!)

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