Brass Band


  • Brass Band Associate Membership£5.00
  • Brass Band Student Membership£10.00

A friendly, welcoming, student run ensemble who welcome Brass and Percussion players, or those who wish to learn.

Keele University Brass Band: a great place to learn and enjoy all elements of being in a Brass Band!

Our rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 7-9pm in Barnes Bar We are a friendly bunch of people who aim to achieve high musical standards whilst having lots of fun! Keele Brass Band welcomes any player no matter what standard they are so that they can enjoy performing throughout university. We also teach Brass instruments to new members who would like to learn a new instrument and we have a very reasonable competition and concert schedule.

29th March
Keele Symphonia Orchestra, Clarinet Choir, and Keele University Brass Band invite you to their spring concert filled with a fresh repertoire which is sure to round off the semester with a band.
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