

  • Craft Student Membership£14.00
  • Craft Associate Membership£14.00
  • Craft Student Membership - Semester 1£8.00
  • Craft Student Membership - Semester 2£8.00

The Keele Crafts Society is a great place to learn new crafts, share your skills and have fun with like-minded people. All are welcome to join, regardless of skill level.

The Keele Crafts Society is all about creating new things!

It’s a great place to learn new crafts, teach others your skills and just have fun with like-minded people.

The society is open to anyone and everyone, of any skill level at craft! We do everything from sewing, knitting and crocheting to paper craft, textiles and functional crafts – absolutely anything you can make with your hands! And we’re willing to take suggestions for anything you would like to create!

We meet weekly in the Blueprint Bar one the 1st floor of the SU with a fun and relaxed environment and hope to see you there soon!


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