

  • Reel Student Membership£2.00

Welcome to Keele Reel Society! We're back again! Free food! Free film! Free membership!

Membership is free: all films are free: and food and drink will be provided free at each showing (unless specified otherwise)

Our aim is to show films most people haven't heard of from a range of cultures and different time periods - in this way we're like a cinema, in that you're going to a film you've haven't seen before, except these ones are free and you know they're going to be good

We value our members' opinions - if you have any suggestions for films let us know!

Membership allows you to receive updates and film resources; if you're still undecided about becoming a member . . . . become a member anyway! It's free, after all!

There are currently no upcoming events.


    There are no current meetings
    There are no current news articles.



    Sorry, there are no products available to purchase
    You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
    You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.