First Aid Society and University Unit


  • First Aid Society and University Unit Student Membership£2.50
  • First Aid Society and University Unit Associate Membership£2.50

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We are a charitable first aid society aimed at providing first aid skills and awareness of what to do in emergencies. St John Ambulance is a non-political and non-religious organisation.

Keele First Aid Society and University Unit is a charitable first aid society that works with St John Ambulance. We aim to provide members with life-saving skills and an awareness of what to do in an emergency. St John Ambulance is a non-political and non-religious organisation.

Our meetings are held every Monday Night at 7pm until around 9 pm. Each week we aim to cover another element of first aid to increase your skill set. We also arrange scenario nights for you to test your knowledge and have some fun with wound simulation. We also hold events with other societies and sports clubs within the Student's Union, such as Drama Society, British Sign Language Keele and Psychology Society, providing a great experience to get to know and bond with new people within the University. As well as learning first aid as a society member, you can join the St John Ambulance Network as a Volunteer to treat the public at local and national events such as Port Vale Football Club, Marathons, Keele World Affairs Lectures, Stoke Rep Theatre and Keele University itself!


We ask for a £2.50 for Society Membership, so if you'd like to come along and learn some first aid skills, add us to your basket!

Join our 2024/25 WhatsApp Group Chat here - link will open in a new tab

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our society email: 

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