Friends of Palestine


  • Friends of Palestine Student Membership£0.00

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Join us for a deep insight into the beauty of Palestinian Culture, History, and Art. We host fun events that raise awareness for Palestine as well as educate people on the beautiful Palestine!

Friends of Palestine is dedicated to make known the struggle of the Palestinian people as they fight for their human rights. As well as spreading the beautiful culture that is Palestine. 

We host: Book club, sport games, art sessions, and much more!! Join us for a chance to experience all the beauty of Palestine and learn new things like Palestinian dancing styles, art, and literature. You will also have many opportunities to try traditional Palestinian food!

As a society we aim not only to show the beauty of Palestine but to educate anyone willing to learn about all the hardships and struggles of the Palestinian people. We are inclusive of all religions, sexualities, ability, and gender!

Our membership is free so Join now!

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