Harry Potter


  • Harry Potter Student Membership£2.00

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Keele Harry Potter Society - used to be one of Keele's largest societies, a great place to meet all sorts of people and a safe place to hang out. We run regular events and socials!

Keele Harry Potter Society was refounded in 2019 by a group of enthusiastic Potter Heads. The society was an instant success and ran popular socials becoming one of the largest societies on campus.

We have many great socials planned including, film showings, board games, and quizzes.

So why join? You can take part in all our activities throughout the year. You can get sorted into your Hogwarts house and gain house points so you can win the House Cup at the end of the year!

It's only £2 for the entire year!.

If you're interested in joining our society, it is never too late! We welcome everyone from every year, country and subject.

Feel free to contact us using the society email where the President or Secretary will get back to you.

> Join our WhatsApp group and be informed about our latest events and meet ups! https://chat.whatsapp.com/HHsRGExYuyP2LcGoW57ZOr 

> Be sure not to miss out on our latest socials, follow our Instagram to keep up to date with all the magic.

Our Committee:

-> President - Gray 

-> Vice President - Kitty

-> Treasurer - Reo  

-> Wellbeing and liberation Officer - Kitty

-> Secretary - Kane

-> Gryffindor Prefect - Danny

-> Ravenclaw Prefect - Kathan

-> Hufflepuff Prefect - Connor

-> Slytherin Prefect - N/A

There are currently no upcoming events.
    There are no current meetings
    There are no current news articles.



    • Slytherin£0.00
    • Ravenclaw£0.00
    • Gryffindor£0.00
    • Hufflepuff£0.00
    You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
    You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.