(In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
Welcome to Keele Islamic Society (ISoc)!
About Us:
Assalamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh - May the Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah (God) be upon you.
Welcome to the Keele Islamic Society; a charitable, religious, and social society that is the home away from home for Muslims here at Keele!
Keele ISoc is the university’s most vibrant, diverse, and active society on campus. You will enjoy a buzzing and lively atmosphere with an exciting committee that will accompany you through a whole array of events throughout the academic year, allowing YOU to make the most of your experience here at university! The Islamic Society is your home away from home helping you to keep your religious practices and values intact while discovering new cultures. We aim to provide a welcoming setting to make students feel comfortable regardless of background, faith, race, ethnicity, nationality, or culture. We seek to create a positive and healthy atmosphere of unity amongst the Muslims and to foster the growth of Brotherhood and Sisterhood where we endeavor to have an ethos of discussion with the wider community through which we can share the beautiful message of Islam. This way we can help promote a correct understanding of Islam within the whole community. As an ISoc member your university experience will be enriched through developing your confidence, and character, attaining new skills, creating acquaintanceships with international peers, forming bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, and sharing experiences with friends in an environment whereby you can comfortably practice the Islamic faith without having to ever feel left out or compromising religious beliefs. The Islamic Society is all about creating an environment, inspired by the words of God that unite, serve, and empower individuals to be the best versions of themselves.
Our Belief:
Our belief centers on the oneness of God, and the teachings of His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him). Our aims are primarily to cater to the needs of the Muslim students and to engage positively with the local community based on the principles of Islam. Our principal is to unitedly hold tight to the classical Qur'anic and Prophetic teachings of Islam. All our work is centered and adheres to the faith of Islam, the teachings within the Quran - the words of Allah (God) and the way of His Messenger: Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon Him). We at the ISoc endeavor to exemplify this beautiful message to foster a greater sense of community, provide a platform for interaction and promote interfaith dialogue. We shall, by the will of God, continually strive to be at the service of Islam and Muslims, addressing Islamic contemporary issues and celebrating the richness of the Islamic way of life with Muslims and non-Muslim colleagues alike
I am interested, but I am not a Muslim. Can I still participate and learn?
The Islamic society warmly welcomes Muslims and Non-Muslims, staff and students from all backgrounds with our open-door policy to be part of our community and learn about us. We aim to create an inclusive atmosphere where faith can be appreciated as an important part of one’s identity. - don't feel shy, experience Islam! Those who want to learn about a new faith get the opportunity to learn about a new faith, gain greater knowledge and clear up any misconceptions. We intend to provide a space for the self-development of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike, to become wholesome individuals both morally and intellectually. We facilitate this by exploring, understanding, and implementing the teachings of Islam: as it is not just a faith, but an entire way of life! We are here to help and offer you some guidance from its sources towards empowering and uniting Muslims & non-Muslims together. The society also provides a platform for learning and presenting Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims through hosting renowned speakers and holding a wide range of activities and Islamic events. So, whoever you are, Keele ISoc is here to cultivate you; membership is open to all - so come and join us!
Regular Events:
Regular socials also take place throughout the year allowing our members to get to know each other, to build brotherhoods and sisterhoods, as well as lifelong friendships. Through our engagement with the wider community by working with Muslim Chaplaincy, mosques, and charities, we hope to better the local community.
- Freshers' Week (24th September 2022 – 30th September 2022): a week of socials for freshers to interact with each other and the committee!
- Muslim Professional Week (24th October 2022 – 28th October 2022): a week wherein professionals from various career pathways give an insight into their line of work.
- Islamophobia Awareness Week (21st November 2022 – 25th November 2022): with Keele SU- highlighting the growing rates of Muslim hate crime through talks and a digital video
- Believe and Do Good Week (5th December 2022 – 9th December 2022): helping the community by carrying out good deeds such as litter picking and making homeless hampers!
- Re-Freshers' Week (23rd January 2023 – 27th January 2023): week of socials for freshers and those coming back in Semester 2!
- Fundraising Fortnight (30th January 2023 – 12th February 2023): we raise as much money as we can in two weeks which includes a climb up Mt Snowdon. One year we raised £50 short of £20,000 - (watch the video below)
- Discover Islam Week (6th March 2023 – 12th March 2023): inviting people to learn about our faith, which includes the most anticipated event of the year, 'One Blessed Night', which brings together all faiths at Keele
- Ramadan 2023 (22nd March 2023 – 21st April 2023): The holy month of Ramadan where Muslims fast from Dawn to Sunset for a month as obligated to do so as part of the 5 Pillars of Islam (Sawm).
Prayer Room Information:
Keele Islamic Centre
Opening Hours: 24/7 access with Keele Card
Wudu Facilities: Yes
Jumu’ah Salah: Yes, Every Friday at 1:20 pm.
-> Exact location <-
Multifaith Keele Chapel
Opening Hours: 7:30 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week (Pray in the side room).
Wudu Facilities: No
Jumu’ah Salah: No
You can join our society through a free membership or a donation of ONLY £2 to have EXCLUSIVE benefits such as discounts for our events throughout the year. (The discount on the events will pay for itself! + This money is used to contribute towards events). You will also get voting rights for ISoc elections as well as attain the right to elect yourself as a member of the committee. Memberships are open to everyone including both Muslims and Non-Muslims.
Useful Resources:
Soon to be uploaded! Check back for regularly updates! Meanwhile, check out -> keele.isoc.link <-
To conclude, at Keele ISoc you will never be left hungry as we usually serve pizza or biryani at our events but most importantly whilst eating you will meet friends for life. No matter your level of practice, whether you're a revert or looking into Islam, you are more than welcome in our society! Keele ISoc is for everyone! #keeleisoc #yourisoc
Contact Us:
Email us: soc.islamic@keele.ac.uk
UPDATES: https://keele.page.isoc.link/
Follow us on Instagram 
Like us on Facebook
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel 
Head Brother: Abdul Raafi Sardar
Head Sister: Maryam Shakeel
Vice-Head Brother: Mahmood Modak
Vice-Head Sister: Mariam Sarara
P.R Lead: Alisha Khan
P.R Officer (Brother): Zubair Hussain
P.R Officer (Sister): Isha Mahmood
Spiritual Wellbeing Lead: Abdurahman Mohamed
Spiritual Wellbeing Officer (Brother): Mohamed Ahmed
Spiritual Wellbeing Officer (Sister): Sofia Khan
Social Secretary (Brother): Kaya Kemal
Social Secretary (Sister): Nusaybah Sheikh
Social Secretary (Sister): Farah Mohamed
Outreach Officer (Brother): Hassan Ahmed
Outreach Officer (Sister): Hibah Karimi
Treasurer: Ismail Khan
Ex-Officio - Aisha Zubair
There are no current meetings
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You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.