Book Club


  • Book Club Student Membership Only£6.00
  • Book Club Student Membership With Book£15.00

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Keele University Book Club

Keele Book Club is a relatively new society heading into its second year at Keele! It is a place where students can discuss a wide range of literature in a relaxed environment. 

We will host separate social and discussion meetings: 

  • Socials will have a variety of themes with some relating to the genre of the book being read, and others relating to reading in general. Examples of these are crafting nights, viewings of book adaptations, and off-campus activities like an escpae room or bowling.
  • Discussions will be centered around a set number of chapters which will be made clear to members prior to meeting. Depending on numbers we may discuss questions with all members present or split into smaller groups before reconvening as a whole group. 

Socials and discussions will be held on alternating Thursdays every week from 6-8 pm. Discussions will be held in Chapters Cafe (this is located next to co-op and the SU) unless stated otherwise and socials may be held in a variety of places including the KPA, Sneyd Arms, and Chapters Cafe so that we can provide a balance of both sober and non-sober socials each semester. 

There are 2 different memberships available - the £6 membership includes access to all socials and discussions, and the £15 membership includes access to all socials and discussions plus you will be provided with your own copy of each of the books we choose to read to keep! Members will also have the chance to vote on which genre and book we read each month.

To follow our journey and stay updated on any new information please follow us on our social media:

- Instagram: @KeeleBookClub 

- Discord:


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    • Crafts and Cookie Decorating Social£0.00
    • Semester 2 without book£5.50
    • Semester 2 with book£13.00
    You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
    You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.