Harper Keele Veterinary


  • Harper Keele Veterinary Student Membership£10.00

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Welcome to Harper and Keele Veterinary Society!

Set up to provide a supportive and social community within HKVS.

You don't have to be a vet student to become a member and we encourage biovets, vet physios and nurses to also join in with our events :)!

We aim to run a wide range of inclusive and exciting social events, as well as a number of interesting talks from inspiring speakers within the veterinary profession:

  • Talks will be delivered on educational and eye-opening topics catered to a wide-range of student interests! So, if there's an aspect of veterinary medicine you're interested in, don't hesitate to contact us, and we will try our best to organise something! 


  • Regular socials throughout the year with both home-campus and cross-campus socials, allowing everyone to get involved, these will include pub crawls, a large-cross campus Christmas social, a sports day and more! 
  • You can look forward to one big vet school event every year -- last year we hosted a summer ball to mark the end of exams and the start of summer, and it was an opportunity for both students and staff to celebrate! If you're a third year you can also look forward to a Halfway Ball, celebrating all your hard work so far and the half-way point to being a graduate vet! 

Our overall goal is to facilitate interaction and camaraderie among students across the different year groups and between the two campuses, providing ample opportunities through our events to connect and network with each other. Students will be able to build valuable connections in the veterinary field both within the vet school and outside of it.

The HK Vet Soc membership is £10, and will get you into talks for free and discounted rates for our big events!

Remember to follow our instagram page (Harper_keele_vetsoc) as well as the "HK Vets" page on facebook for updates on any upcoming events.

There are currently no upcoming events.
    There are no current meetings
    There are no current news articles.



    • 1/4 zip (no personalisation) -£40.00
    • 1/4 zip + personalisation -£43.50
    You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
    You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.