

  • Wildlife Student Membership£3.00

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"We aim to provide a place for people with a love and interest of wildlife to meet."

Keele Wildlife Society is open to anyone who is interested in wildlife. If you would like to meet-up, make friends and share knowledge then this is a society for you!

What to expect?

The society aims to provide a place for people with a love and interest of wildlife to meet. For events and socials, we will go on walks around the Keele campus and further afield to allow time for wildlife spotting and adventures! We also aim to provide inspiring speakers and lectures on a variety of wildlife topics which may inspire and encourage a stronger passion for wildlife.

In our first year (2018/2019), we were shortlisted for Best New Society in the 2019 KeeleSU Society Awards, and won!
A few years later, in the 2023/2024 awards, we also won the Society of the Year Award for Best Activity-based Society!

This year, we will be holding sessions every other week dedicated to learning more about our wonderful wildlife. In these sessions we will further our knowledge by reseaching, holding discussions, and watching relevant films/documentaries in a friendly and relaxed environment. We will be learning about different species behaviour and relation to the natural world, as well as thinking about their threats and potential needs for conservation. As well as this we will be organising walks/trips on campus and in the Staffordshire area to help put into context what we have learnt. Other, even more exciting plans are in the works, so stay tuned! Keele Wildlife society is open to all, and is a great way to get to meet new people, we're looking forward to meeting you all! 


Bi-weekly wildlife session: Held on Mondays 6-8pm in WALTER MOBERLY room 1.01. (WM1.01)


Our additional social events (walks, day trips and pub meets) will be organised and advertised through our society email, Whatsapp group and social media accounts. 

Join the Keele Hedgehog Friendly Campus Group here - http://www.greenimpact.org.uk/hedgehogfriendlycampus/register?team.id=9100 - Staff and students all welcome!! It is a great opportunity to get involved with biodiversity on campus. This is completely free to sign up to.

https://www.facebook.com/HedgehogFriendlyCampusKeele/ - Facebook Page
https://www.facebook.com/groups/KeeleHedgehogFriendlyCampus/ - Facebook Group

Connect with us!

Email: soc.wildlife@keele.ac.uk

Our brand new Discord server!: https://discord.gg/aHQ5NcWktN

Also follow us via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Feel free to join our Facebook Group which you are welcome to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KeeleWildlifeSociety/

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