Life Sciences


  • Life Sciences Student Membership£3.00

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The Life Science Societies brings together the subjects within the School of Life Sciences: Biomedical Science, Biology, Human Biology, Neuroscience, Microbiology and Immunology and Biochemistry.

The Society brings together the Life Science Student community by hosting weekly social events to help you maintain your work-life balance as well as academic sessions. 

Our Social events are inclusive and fun with a mix of laid-back sessions like our hot chocolate and coaster decorating social as well as more fast-paced activities such as alchemy-style cocktail nights and bowling outings. We aim to do something to keep everyone entertained. Our Summer Ball in 2024 is sure to be an event not to miss!

We're helping students find a sense of belonging at university by introducing them to like-minded people and through our Buddy Scheme which allows our university newbies to be paired with someone further along in their course. We break down boundaries between academic staff and students via casual events and working alongside lecturers and Student Voice Representatives to bring our school together.

Social events: Tuesday's 6-8pm (Re-commencing in January - follow our Instagram for locations as they are subject to variation)

Academic Drop-in Sessions: Thursdays 2-4pm (Huxley 0.003)


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    Club and Society Committee Elections 2024-25

    This is the Annual Committee Elections, where all clubs and societies elect a brand new committee in time for the new academic year.

    1404 posts are up for election.

    The polls have closed.