SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation)


  • SSAGO Associate Membership£10.00
  • SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation) Student Membership£25.00
  • SSAGO (Student Scout and Guide Organisation) Semester 1 Membership£15.00

I'm Interested - Tell me more!

Do you want to be a part of a diverse and interesting society? Whether you have been a scout or guide before or not then, Keele SSAGO may be right for you.

Keele Student Scout and Guide Organisation (Keele SSAGO) aim to bring people together to enjoy a wide range of weekly activities and socials. Whether you like the outdoor adventure, exploring Keele’s campus and surrounding areas, or prefer a relaxed evening of quizzes, craft, and food. There is always something for everyone!

We are affiliated with the national Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO) which includes clubs from over 30+ universities and colleges. This means we are invited to three national rallies (weekend camps) and a ball each year, hosted by other SSAGO clubs and are held in various locations across the country. The upcoming rallies and events can be viewed on the SSAGO website.

So if you fancy making friends for life, having a great time exploring the outdoors and taking up amazing opportunities and challenges, or just looking to volunteer with a local group - look out for us at the Freshers Fair, join the Facebook page or drop us an email.

Hope to see you there - and remember...

Be Prepared. 

Membership is £15 a semester. This includes resources for meetings and membership to national SSAGO (which is needed for insurance purposes).



There are currently no upcoming events.
    There are no current meetings
    There are no current news articles.



    • Keele SSAGO Badge£2.00
    • Associate Membership£10.00
    • LOTTR Minibus£26.80
    • Keele SSAGO Necker£5.00
    You need to be a member to view resources for this Group.
    You need to be a member to claim expenses against this Group.
    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.