

  • Poker Student Membership£5.00

I'm Interested - Tell me more!

On this homepage you can find several useful pieces of information regarding KPS, for more frequent updates, be sure to join our Discord. We hope some of the more pressing questions can be addressed in a quick FAQ.

How do I get involved?

We will be posting all our updates through our discord ( and on our Instagram (@keelepokerclub). However, we prefer that you join our discord as it is a better place to chat with other members and the committee directly.

What type of events will we be running?

We will be looking to run regular knock out style tournaments with prize pools for winning players. These events may also include free buy-ins which gives anyone an opportunity to win money without any risk.

What type of poker do we play?

The most common type of poker we will play is Texas Hold 'em, although we are willing to try out different variations of poker and these will usually be played as a learning experience rather than for money




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    Available to view for members only. If you are a member, please log in to view the Committee list.