You must achieve 180 credits to be awarded a Masters degree, either by passing them outright or through compensation. Your marks will then determine which class you get.
If you don't achieve enough credits, you may still be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate. You must obtain 120 credits for a Postgraduate Diploma or 60 credits for a Postgraduate Certificate.
An average weighted module mark of at least 68% AND at least 60 credits with a mark of 70 or higher.
An average weighted module mark of at least 58% AND at least 60 credits with a mark of 60 or higher.
You have obtained all your credits but your marks don't meet the threshold for a Merit or you've had a module compensated.
Calculating the Average Module Mark
Your average module mark will be weighted based upon the credit value of each module. For example, a standard module is 15 credits so a 30-credit module mark would be counted twice and a 60-credit module mark would be counted four times.
The average module mark will be rounded to the nearest integer (a mark of 0.5 or above will be rounded up).
If you fail a module you may be able to get it compensated, which means the mark stays the same but you are awarded credits as if you had passed. You can get compensation on all taught postgraduate programmes inless your programme specification says otherwise.
To get a module compensated, you must have a mark of 45-49 and you must have a mark of at least 55 in other modules worth the same amount of credits. You can have up to 30 credits compensated. Dissertation or final project modules cannot be compensated.
Please note, if you have a module compensated you will not be able to achieve a higher award than a Pass.