Every department and School has at least one Early Resolution Officer (ERO) to handle complaints within their department. This stage is designed to give a quick outcome for simple cases, and for most complaints, you are expected to start the formal process at this stage. If you believe it would not be appropriate to submit an ERO complaint, you may be able to start your complaint at the next stage, but you do need to justify skipping this step.
To submit an Early Resolution complaint, email the ERO at the relevant department/School ERO email address, which you can find listed on the university's Complaints pageThis link will open in a new tab in the 'Early Resolution' section. If you're not sure which email address to use you can email complaints@keele.ac.uk, who will pass it on to the correct person.
Postgraduate Research students with a complaint about their course should email the general complaints@keele.ac.uk email address and the complaint will be passed on.
At this stage you do not need to fill in a form; just email full details of what happened and what outcome you are asking for, remembering to include your full name and student number.