Discipline offences are separated into minor and major offences. Minor offences can usually be dealt with by an authorised officer but major offences and repeated/multiple minor offences must progress to a Discipline Committee.
You can find a list of minor and major offences in Regulation B1 4.2-4.3This link will open in a new tab, and also on the Student Discipline page under 'What can I be disciplined for?'.This link will open in a new tab
Please note, if your case is being investigated by the police the university will not investigate until the police have finished their investigation. However, the university could still suspend you from parts of campus or from the university in the meantime - see the Risk Assessment Panel section below.
Stage 1 - Authorised Officer
You can read full information about the Authorised Officer stage under 'Investigation of Minor Offences'.This link will open in a new tab
An authorised officer is appointed by the university to investigate your case. You can request a list of these officers by emailing discipline@keele.ac.uk.
You may be invited to attend a pre-process meeting with the authorised officer to find out about the investigation process. You are then invited to attend an investigation meeting. During the meeting, you will be given all of the details of the allegation(s) and the opportunity to give your version of events. There may need to be follow-up meetings while the case continues to be investigated.
If you are accused of a minor offence the officer will decide whether the case is proven and, if so, what penalties are most appropriate (see the list of penalties below). You will either be told in the decision in the meeting or you will be informed in writing later. All decisions will be confirmed in writing.
If you are accused of a major offence or multiple minor offences the authorised officer will not make a decision and your case will instead go to Stage 2.
ASK can help prepare you for the meeting and attend with you if you would like support.
Stage 2 - Discipline Committee
You can read full information about the Discipline Committee stage under 'Investigation of Major Offences'This link will open in a new tab and 'Discipline Committee'.This link will open in a new tab
If you are accused of a major offence or multiple minor offences there will be a longer investigation period and your case will go to Stage 2. The authorised officer, who has been investigating the case, will present their investigation to a Discipline Committtee. The investigation is supposed to be impartial and you can put forward evidence and witness names.
You are invited to attend the committee, normally with 7 days notice, and are asked to submit a statement and any evidence beforehand. You can also call witnesses to speak to the committee. You will have the chance to put forward your version of events and question the authorised officer about their investigation.
You will be given the committee's decision in writing - see below for a list of potential penalties the committee can impose.
ASK can help you prepare for the committee, advise you on what to expect on the day, and attend with you if you would like support.