Hardship Support
The university has a Hardship Fund that you can apply to if you are in financial hardship. There is an application form to fill in and you need to show your bank accounts as evidence.
There is also a Food Voucher Scheme to help with the cost of living.
There are smaller emergency loans available, but you would have to pay those back. The fund and loans are administered by Student Services and you can visit their page for more information.
Access and Success Fund
The Access and Success Fund is for underrepresented groups, to help enhance your student experience. To be eligible for the fund, you must be a current UK, undergraduate Keele University student (you can't apply if you're international, postgraduate, on leave of absence, or repeating on an assessment-only basis) and have an annual household income below £62,347 (verified by Student Finance). You must also belong to at least one key student group. These groups are:
- Care leavers (aged under 25) Mature students (aged 21 or over at the start of your current course)
- Students from a minority ethnic background (including Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities)
- Students who are estranged from their family (aged under 25 and have zero contact with family)
- Students whose parent/s are in the military (service children)
- Students with a disability (including diagnosed mental health conditions)
- Students with caring responsibilities (for a friend or family member with a disability who could not cope without your care)
- Students with children aged under 18
- Students with household income below £25,000 (verified by Student Finance)
- Students with refugee status
- Transgender students
You would also need to explain, briefly, how an award from the fund would enhance your university experience. Some examples would include money for a laptop, membership fees for a society or sports club, a gym membership or a subscription to a streaming platform to help with your mental health.
Scholarships and Bursaries
There are a some scholarships and bursaries available through the university, depending on your circumstances and subject. This page has a link to university funds that you can browse. There are some specific sections for international students and for postgraduate students.