Safety & Crime

Information on how to stay safe and advice on what to do if you're a victim of crime



Do you have any advice on how I can stay safe?

SafeZone App


The free Safezone appThis link will open in a new tab provides you with quick access to Campus Safety and first responders. You can download the app onto your phone, tablet and computer by visiting app stores and their website.


The University has full information about the app's services on their website.This link will open in a new tab


Safety On-Campus


If you have any concerns about your safety on campus, you can speak to:


  • Keele SU Development & Democracy Officer - or 01782 733701
  • Campus Safety  - 01782 733999
  • Keele Police Post - 0845 3303132 (Ext. 08964)
  • Staffordshire Police Non-Emergency  - 101

You can visit Personal Safety AdviceThis link will open in a new tab for advice on on-line safety and many other useful safety topics.

Safety Abroad


The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have numerous information leaflets about safety abroad and what to do in an emergency when abroad:


Checklist for Travellers This link will open in a new tab

Victims of Crime AbroadThis link will open in a new tab

Rape and Sexual Assault AbroadThis link will open in a new tab

Disabled TravellersThis link will open in a new tab

Support for British Nationals AbroadThis link will open in a new tab

World WiseThis link will open in a new tab

How to report a crime

If you have been a victim of crime or witnessed a crime and need to report this, you need to contact Staffordshire Police:


  • For non-emergency calls and enquiries call Staffordshire Police  - 101
  • For emergencies call - 999
  • If you are calling from outside the Staffordshire area call 0300 123 4455 (for non-emergency calls) 
  • To contact Staffordshire Police from abroad call (+44)1785 236211

If you have been a victim of crime Staffordshire Victim GatewayThis link will open in a new tab is a free  & confidential service the provides information and advice, or practical and emotional support to victims of crime in Staffordshire even if you haven't reported the crime to the police. You can contact them at: 0330 0881 339 or at


Victim Support is an organisation that can help you to understand the criminal justice system.


If you have a complaint about the Police you can use the Independent Office for Police ConductThis link will open in a new tab complaints procedure. More details and how to do this can be found in the Complaints section of their website

Advice if you're experiencing stalking

If you think you are being stalked it is important to get help to put a stop to it.  


If you think you may be being stalked ASK can provide help and support and you can speak in a confidential setting about your concerns.


There are some recommendations if you are experiencing stalking: 


  • Tell a colleague or speak with an ASK staff member, a tutor, friend or the police
  • Keep evidence and a log
  • Do not respond
  • Describe the stalker or show photos to friends, colleagues
  • If possible, vary your way to university, lectures, work, home etc
  • If you are in immediate danger dial 999
  • Contact Campus Security on 01782 733999 


Staffordshire Police have launched a 'Let's Talk Stalking' campaignThis link will open in a new tab.


You can also call the National Stalking Helpline on 0808 802 0300 or email them at or contact Staffordshire Police Non-Emergency number on 101


The Suzy Lamplugh TrustThis link will open in a new tab provides some tips to stop stalking and general personal safety information

Getting help if you've been accused of a crime

If you have been arrested and want to know your rights, you can read the Gov.UK page.


You can find out about claiming legal aid on the Gov.UK website.


The Advocate is a charity helping to find free legal assistance from volunteer barristers.


Accused.MeThis link will open in a new tab and False Allegations Support Organisations (FASO)This link will open in a new tab can offer support and advice if you have been wrongly accused.


If you have a complaint about the Police you can use the Independent Office for Police ConductThis link will open in a new tab complaints procedure. More details and how to do this can be found in the Complaints section of their website


Hate Crimes //


What is a hate crime?

Hate crime is defined as a criminal offence committed against a person or their property that is motivated by hatred of someone because of their:


  • Race, colour, ethnicity or nationality 
  • Religion or beliefs
  • Gender or sexuality identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability (including disability due to ill mental health)
  • Age

Hate crime can take many forms and can include physical attacks, damage to property, theft, offensive graffiti, threats, intimidation and bullying. A victim does not have to be a member of the group at which the hostility is targeted. In fact, anyone could be a victim of a hate crime. 


Hate Crime or Hate Incident?


Something is a hate incident if the victim or anyone else thinks it was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on one of the following things:


  • disability
  • race
  • religion
  • transgender identity
  • sexual orientation.

Anyone can be the victim of a hate incident. For example, you may have been targeted because someone thought you were gay even though you’re not, or because you have a disabled child.

What can I do if I'm a victim of a hate crime?

  • Get help immediately 
  • In an emergency, dial 999 or 112, or contact Campus Safety on 01782 733999
  • Make as much noise as you can to alert others
  • As soon as you can, go somewhere you know is safe
  • If you have been attacked and want to report to the police, don't shower or change your clothes as this may destroy evidence
  • If you are comfortable, tell the police why you think you were attacked
  • If you have had your keys taken, ensure you change the locks
  • If you are not confident telling the police, there are other reporting systems available.


USAHThis link will open in a new tab (Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate) is a hate-crime reporting and support service. It is a free and confidential support service providing information and emotional and practical support to all victims of Hate driven crime or incidents, who either live in Staffordshire or were targeted when visiting the area on more than two occasions. You can contact their Victim Gateway service by calling  0330 0881 339 or you can complete a self-referral form.This link will open in a new tab

What can I do if I witness a hate crime?

  • Call 999 or 112 
  • Let the police know what you've seen. Don't assume others will come forward. Many crucial witnesses walk away assuming others will report it.
  • Stay safe and alert.
  • Don't physically intervene - you could get hurt yourself.
  • If it is safe to do so, take a photograph or video on your mobile phone.
  • Record details of times, number plates, and descriptions. If you don't have a pen with you, leave a voice message on your mobile phone or write a draft text message. As soon as you have a pen and paper, write everything you saw and heard with as much detail as possible. 

Are there any other resources I can read?

Disability Rights UK: Stop Disability Hate CrimeThis link will open in a new tab

Equality Advisory Support Service: Do you need adviceThis link will open in a new tab?

Stop Hate UK: Hate Crime Campaign Materials

TellMAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim attacks): Resources to counter IslamophobiaThis link will open in a new tab

Muslim Youth HelplineThis link will open in a new tab has resources and offers confidential support.

TrueVision (official UK Police-linked organisation for reporting and providing information on hate crime): What is hate crimeThis link will open in a new tab?