Sexual & Domestic Violence

If you experience any form of sexual abuse, sexual violence, rape or domestic violence this behaviour is unacceptable

The University has trained teams of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) and Domestic Abuse Liaison Officers (DALOs). These are members of staff who have received additional training from specialist organisations.

ASK offers a confidential service, where you come and talk to an advisor who will respect your wishes and support you in the way you wish; we can also help to contact other support services and the police if requested.


Sexual Violence //

Sexual Violence Support

Keele students of all genders should be able to enjoy their time at Keele without experiencing sexual harassment; all reports are taken seriously and any formal action taken is done so only after a discussion with you and your agreement to the action.


You can contact the police in the event of any sexual harassment.  You can contact Staffordshire Police on 101 (non-Emergency number), 999 (Emergency number).


If you are sexually harassed in the Students' Union you should report this to the SU Security team as soon as possible.  If you feel like you or someone else may still be at risk on campus call the university's Campus Safety team on 01782 733999.


The University has dedicated webpagesThis link will open in a new tab to assist you to an informed choice about what steps you might wish to take if you, or someone you know, is a survivor of sexual violence.


In their pages you will also find guidance on how the Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Team can help, what to do immediately after an incident of sexual assault, how you can report an incident, what your options are if you are worried about reporting and incident, and what support is available at a Sexual Assault Referral CentreThis link will open in a new tab


For guidance on what to do immediately after rape or sexual assault, visit the University webpagesThis link will open in a new tab.



Grange Park


You can self-refer to Grange Park, Staffordshire's Sexual Assault Referral Centre.  If you or someone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted it is important that you get the help you need.  You can pick up the phone and speak to a member of the team at Grange Park.   If you don't want to or are unsure whether you want to report an assault to Police, the team can see you without police involvement and book you an appointment as a self-referral.  You can access the service by contacting Grange Park direct. You should ring the team at Grange Park first to talk through your options and arrange an appointment.  You must be over 16 to self-refer to Grange Park.


Grange Park can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, however, self-referral appointments take place between the hours of 9.00 am – 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.




Grange Park,
Cobridge Community Health Centre,
Church Terrace,


Telephone: 0300 7900 166







Based in North Staffordshire, Savana is a registered charity providing support for anyone who has experienced or is affected by any form of sexual violence including rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, 'honour' related violence and childhood sexual abuse, whether recently or in the past.


Savana has ISVA's (Independent Sexual Violence Advisors) trainined to advise and support people who have been raped or sexually abused.  This is a specialist advocacy service to survivors of sexual violence. They also offer counselling and group work.


Unit C
Metro Business Park
Clough Street


Telephone: 01782 433204 (24-hour message line)






SurvivorsUKThis link will open in a new tab


This organisation offers support to men who have been sexually abused or assaulted.  They have specially trained Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and counsellors.



What do I do if I think my drink has been spiked?

If you are off campus, immediately get to a place of safety.  If you are with close friends tell them your worries and get them to take you home as soon as possible. However please be very sure that you implicitly trust the person or friend(s) you are asking to help you.


If you are alone or with a stranger or someone you don't implicitly trust, go to the pub landlord/bar/ nightclub manager and tell them your fears. Get them to put you in a safe place e.g. office whilst they call you a taxi, a trusted friend or your parents to help get you home safely. Under no circumstances let a stranger or acquaintance offer to help you or take you anywhere including to your own home - They could well be the person who spiked your drink!


DrinkawareThis link will open in a new tab have a guide to what to do if you think you or someone else has been spiked.


For up-to-date information about what to do you can visit the NHS drink spiking pages.

What isn't consent?


If someone says nothing, “um… I guess,” or an unsure “yes,” they’re likely communicating that they don’t really want to do the thing you’re asking about.



"Some women are just asking for it. If you dress a certain way, you are putting yourself at risk" 


A person has the right to wear whatever they like - they cannot be blamed for suffering a sexual assault, regardless of their appearance. Rape or sexual assault is never a person’s fault, it is a choice an abuser makes and it is against the law.


"Women who get themselves too drunk are asking for it"


Deciding to drink too much does not mean that a person has also decided to have sex. Remember: having sex with someone who is too intoxicated to give full consent is rape.


“I've had sex with them before, so I can have sex with them again”


If a person is in a relationship with someone or has had sex with them before, this does not mean that they cannot be sexually assaulted or raped by that person. Consent must be given and received every time two people engage in sexual contact and never assumed.


"They said no, but they're just playing hard to get" 


No means no! If someone says no, or indicates through their actions that they don’t want to have sex, then they haven’t consented.


"Sometimes a man just gets carried away and can’t stop”


Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour. Respecting someone means never forcing them to engage in a sexual act against their wishes.


"Men don’t get raped and women don’t commit sexual offences”


Anyone can be a victim of sexual violence, and a small percentage of women do perpetrate sexual violence. Often people who’ve been sexually assaulted or abused by a women are particularly fearful that they will not be believed or that their experiences won’t be considered ‘as bad’ as a woman being raped by a man. Both men and women can also be raped and abused in same sex relationships. 



Domestic Violence //

Domestic Violence Support

The University has a trained team of Domestic Abuse Liaison Officers (known as DALOs). These are members of staff who have received additional training from a specialist domestic abuse organisation to be able to offer additional support to any student who is experiencing domestic abuse. They can support you in a variety of different ways, including:


  • Complete the DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence) risk assessment with you.
  • Arranging university-based support, such as changing classes, moving accommodation and financial support.
  • Advise you on reporting options, such as to the police and/or the university if the perpetrator is a Keele student.
  • Referrals into specialist external organisations, such as Glow or New Era.

You can visit the University's webpage for information about getting support and recognising whether you might be in an abusive relationship.This link will open in a new tab


Support Services


Please see the Women's AidThis link will open in a new tab website for detailed information if you are worried about yourself or someone else. You can contact Staffordshire Women's Aid on their 24 hour helpline at  0870 2700 123


Glow This link will open in a new tab(formerly Arch North Staffs) also provide support and advice for people experiencing domestic abuse. Their helpline is  0330 0945 559.


SavanaThis link will open in a new tab - a local charity that provides support for anyone who has experienced or is affected by any form of sexual violence, domestic violence, or 'honour' related violence. You can contact them at  01782 433204 (24-hour message line) or email:


New EraThis link will open in a new tab - Staffordshire domestic abuse support. Helpline 0300 303 3778


National Domestic HelplineThis link will open in a new tab also offer less localised support. Their helpline is 0808 2000 247.


National Centre for Domestic ViolenceThis link will open in a new tab provides a fast, free emergency injunction service for domestic abuse.


If you have experienced domestic violence you can also contact Keele Counselling  for counselling support


If you are worried about your behaviour towards your partner, or you have been violent or abusive, for information and advice to help you stop call the Respect Phoneline on 0808 802 4040, lines are open Mon-Fri 10am - 1pm and 2pm to 5pm or email

Changing Your Name


If you are escaping an abusive partner or family, you may wish to change your name. You do not have to follow a legal process to start using a new name, but you might need a deed poll so you can apply for or change official documents like a passport or driving licence.


Please note, if you’re a permanent resident overseas, you cannot change your name by deed poll.


You can get an 'unenrolled' deed poll by yourselfThis link will open in a new tab (also known as a statutory declaration) or you can apply for an 'enrolled' deed pollThis link will open in a new tab to put your new name on public record.  An enrolled deed poll will cost £42.44 but is more official and less likely to be rejected by certain organisations.


If you want the University to change your name on record, you will need to show them a statutory declaration or deed poll. They will then change the student records to the new name, and reissue any relevant documents such as a Keele card, or class lists.  You can get in touch with Student Services for support with this process.


You’ll need to get a new passport to travel abroad or prove your identity if you change your name - you can apply for a new passport online.This link will open in a new tab Please note, the name on your passport must match the name on any travel booking.


If you have a driving licence, you will need to send DVLA your old driving licence along with an application form and any supporting documents to change your name; you do not need to pay to change your name on the licence. You can read more information on link will open in a new tab