Clubs & Societies Events

Find out what's happening in and around the SU with Club and Society events, free taster sessions and nights out.

Spring Concert with Keele Symphonia Orchestra, Clarinet Choir, and Keele University Brass Band

Keele Univsersity Chapel
Saturday 29 March 2025


£5.00 (Student)
£8.00 (Alumni)
£10.00 (Public)
£5.00 (Concession)

This event is run by Brass Band

Keele Symphonia Orchestra, Clarinet Choir, and Keele University Brass Band have all been working hard this semester to bring you a wide variety of joyful and pleasant music to brighten spring for all. 


Tickets will be available online soon!

Public: £10.00

Alumni: £8.00

Staff/Students/Concessions: £5.00