There will be a General Election on 4th July 2024
We want to make sure students' voices are heard by politicians and that as many students and young people as possible vote in the election.
Did you know? Students make up 10% of the UK voting population. Now is your time to make sure your voices are heard.
DEADLINE TO REGISTER TO VOTE: Tuesday 18th June, 23:59

Check your eligibility
You do not necessarily have to be a UK citizen to vote in UK elections. Check and see if you’re eligible to vote.
Register to vote by 18 June
Or the 19 June if you want to apply for a Postal Vote. It takes just 5 minutes + you’ll need your national insurance number.
Get voter ID by 26 June
To vote in the UK General Election, you need a valid form of photo ID such as a passport or driving license. Get your FREE Voter ID (usually £18) using code 'NUS'
Vote on the 4 July
You can vote in-person at a polling station (7am-10pm), by proxy (if you cannot get to the polling station on voting day you can request for someone to vote on your behalf) or by post.
The Manifesto for our Future
The NUS has launched their Manifesto For Our Future. The views of more than 10,000 students and apprentices across the UK are contained in the Manifesto for our Future.
Our Manifesto presents a bold, radical vision for change that tackles the issues that affect students' lives at the root.
Here are 3 things you can do to support students' priorities at the election:
1. Read the Manifesto for our Future
2. Sign the Petition to support the Manifesto
3. Send the Manifesto to your MP