News Article


Hello all Wildlife enthusiasts,

Thank you for your involvement with all of the recent Wildlife events at Keele! We hope you have enjoyed them as much as the committee has!

It is that time of year again where you have the chance to be a committee member with the society for the next academic year. The positions available are:

  • The President
  • The Vice-President
  • The Treasurer
  • The Secretary
  • Welfare and Inclusion Officer 
  • The Speakers Officer
  • The Events Coordinator

The President

  • The principal spokesperson and representative of the society
  • They shall have overall responsibility for the development and growth of the society.
  • They shall be responsible for performing the duties of any unelected officers in their absence.

The Vice-President

  • They will assist the President and stand in their place if they are not available.
  • They shall be responsible for performing the duties of any officers in their absence

The Treasurer

  • Ultimately responsible for the society account and shall ensure that society funds are spent sensibly and within the society means.
  • They shall be responsible for keeping financial records and producing a financial report to the society Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Secretary

  •  Responsible for taking minutes at all society meetings.
  • Maintaining the membership and mailing lists of the society.

Welfare and Inclusion Officer

  • Attending specific welfare-related training to fulfil their role.
  • Working with the committee to plan socials that consider all members

The Speakers Officer

  • Invites speakers and organises speaker events.
  • In charge of arranging venues and providing members with the opportunity to meet and network.

The Events Coordinator

  • Thinks of ideas for events, socials and walks for the society.
  • Use social media to regularly promote and post about upcoming events.


Nominate yourself now and help the Keele Wildlife Society continue to be a fantastic society!!!

Important dates:



OPEN: Monday 9th March (9am)

CLOSE: Friday 20th March (9am)


OPEN: Saturday 21st March (9am)

CLOSE: Thursday 26th March (9am)


PUBLISH: Friday 27th March