Student Academic Representatives are elected to gather student opinion and represent your views at Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLC). These meetings ensure your voice is heard if something goes wrong (or right!) on your module or course. StARs also feed important information and decisions back to you so you’re always up to date. 


Your Student Voice Rep(s) for this Academic year are:

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If you are viewing this message it means that our system does not recognise you are a member of this course and/or year of study. This can be because:

  • you are not logged into the Keele SU website using your University Account.

  • you are not a member of this course and/or year.

If you believe that you should be eligible to see the content of this page then email with your Student ID number and the reason you believe you should be able to see the content of this page



Unable to display eventlist control. No organisation was specified.


Unable to display news control. No organisation was specified.



Could not load 'poll' control.

