Product Details

Athletic Union (AU) Membership

Ref: M10002480
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Price: £59.50

You need this membership before you join any of our sports clubs.

When you buy an AU Membership you get all the following for just £55 for this academic year (until 31st July 2024).

The total value of all this is £216pp: Your AU membership covers: 

  • Fully funded club BUCS fees, which includes the following for the agreed amount of teams for your club:

    • Transport for BUCS fixtures and competitions*

    • BUCS affiliation & entry fees

  • Elite Personal Accident Insurance
  • Access to physiotherapy treatment at our sports injuries clinic
  • Access to AU Events (e.g. Winter Ball, AU Awards, Audio Takeover £2 socials)
  • Minimum 2 hours a week for term-time training**
  • Facility usage for all BUCS home matches**
  • The opportunity to book Give It a Go sessions and PVP fixtures in the sports centre facilities, subject to availability
  • Access to AU club grants
  • Student Leadership Training Programme
  • Access to join any number of sports clubsDedicated staff support

Membership is for the year (1st Aug 2023 - 31st July 2024) and needs to be renewed annually. 

*Mode of transport provided will be the most cost effective.
**This is only for clubs who the University can provide on campus facilities for. If your club/s do not use University facilities the AU will have agreed set terms and conditions for funding towards your facility and/or transport costs.