Market Traders

Terms and Conditions for Market Stalls

By attending our events you are confirming you agree to our terms & conditions, which have been created to protect your business, Keele SU and our customers.


  • In the event of a cancellation, please inform us at your earliest convenience via You will not be charged for cancelling a stall booking.
  • If Keele SU must cancel an event for any reason, you will be informed via email at the earliest opportunity.
  • Keele SU reserves the right to cancel an event for any reason.
  • Keele SU reserves the right to end a trading day early for any reason. Including but not limited to extreme weather, major incidents and unexpected closure of Keele SU. During this event, if trading is cancelled before 12:00, you will be eligible for a 50% refund of hire costs.

Offensive products

Keele SU promotes a diverse and inclusive community that caters to all. If any products on your stall are deemed offensive, we reserve the right to request these products are removed from the stall.

Insurance Requirements

All required documents below must be submitted to us 5 working days in advance of your booking.

Non food traders:

  • If you employ staff, you need to include employee's insurance onto your policy.
  •  You need a minimum of £2 million public liability insurance to showcase at our events and it is your responsibility to keep this up to date.
  • At each event you must have the ability to produce your public liability insurance for spot checks.
  • We need you to think over the risks of showcasing at our events and plan a risk assessment. Plan out what you must do to keep yourself and our visitors safe. Thinking of trip hazards, sharp objects, health and hygiene hazards, and infrastructure hazards (especially when you provide your own gazebo, weights etc). It is the trader's responsibility to ensure their products conform to the accepted legal framework and legislation for general consumer sales in the UK. 
  • We need to ensure we all work together in a respectful environment. Any disagreements between stall holders or concerns need to be addressed to the Duty Manager as early as possible.

Food Traders

Please refer to the University’s food safety policy to ensure you are compliant.
Providing Food Safely Code of Practice - 2024.pdf (


Cosmetic Traders

We require the following from any cosmetic trader:

  • A copy of  CAS (cosmetic safety assessment)
  • A copy of  public liability insurance documents
  • An email confirming that products are registered on the CPNP (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal) and that their products have a PIF (Product Information Sheet) available for all products on sale.
  • If products are sold as organic, vegan or cruelty free, they must be able to provide certification of this from bodies such as The Vegan Society, PETA and their suppliers certification of organic produce.

Precious Metals guidelines

  • It is an offence to describe an un-hallmarked article as being wholly or partly made of silver, palladium, gold or platinum
  • Supply or offer to supply un-hallmarked articles to which such a description is applied
  • Any article described as being wholly or partly made of gold, silver, platinum or palladium that is not covered under exempt articles must be hallmarked.
  • If you sell something described as a precious metal, you must clearly display the Dealer’s notice without alterations
  • It is your responsibility to follow your industries legislation.

Alcohol Traders

  • You must have a personal licence to sell alcohol at the events. You need to supply Keele SU with your personal licence number.
  • If the personal licence holder is unable to work the stall you must ensure you designate a competent number of staff who understands the responsibilities of your personal license.
  • You must display a challenge 25 sign on your stall.
  • No tasters are to be displayed on your stall and should not be given until asked for by a potential customer.

Booking a stall

Booking a stall with Keele SU must be done via our booking hub KeeleSU - Stalls :: Make a Booking Request
We require all bookings to be made in advance of at least 2 business days. Keele SU reserves the right to decline a booking for any reason.

  • Ensure all information provided on the booking form is correct, especially contact details.
  • All queries prior to the event must be made to
  • Any equipment requested is done so on a first come, first serve basis and Keele SU reserves the right to refuse equipment hire for any reason.
  • We are unable to guarantee exclusivity of trade for any type of product.
  • Keele SU reserves the right to change your stall position and will provide notice if this is required. Stall positions cannot be moved during the trading day.
  • All stalls are 3x3. If you require a larger space, an adjacent trading area must be booked.


  • Payment must be made at the Keele SU reception/shop space (The Hub) on the ground floor before set up takes place.
  • Traders will be provided a dated receipt as proof of payment.
  • Payment must be made by card
  • Keele SU reserves the right to shut down a stall in the event of non-payment.


On the day

  1. Upon arrival, report to the SU Hub to make payment and sign in.
  2. Any equipment hired will be provided to you at the SU Hub.
  3. The SU opens 8:30am Monday Friday. If The Hub is closed when you arrive, contact the Duty Manager on 07523 514 170 and they will meet with you and handle payment and equipment.


  • Traders will be provided with a parking permit for the day. This will allow them to park in any permitted parking area.
  • Vehicles will be permitted onto the trading areas where possible for set up and pack down only. Once this is completed all vehicles must be moved to a carpark. Trading vehicles (i.e. food trucks) are exempt from the above.
  • Keele SU is not responsible for any damage or theft against a vehicle.
  • Keele SU is not responsible for campus car parks. If you have any issues, you must contact the University’s parking team via


  • Power must be requested in the booking form. Please note we can only provide power to the trading areas that have been marked as such.
  • The University’s estates team will be present at 9am to connect stalls to power. If you are unable to be on site for 9am, let us know on arrival that power is required, and we will contact estates.
  • In the event of the above, we cannot guarantee a timeframe in which you will be connected to power. Keele SU is not responsible for any lost trade due to a lack of power connection.
  • In the event of overbooking powered stall areas, powered areas will be given on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Keele SU is not liable for any damage to powered equipment for any reason.


  • Any equipment requested for hire is done so on a first come, first serve basis. Keele SU reserves the right to refuse equipment hire for any reason.
  • If equipment is required and not requested on the booking form, traders must provide at least 24 hours' notice to Keele SU to make arrangements.
  • All equipment requested is to be collected from the Keele SU Hub during sign in and returned to the SU Hub at the end of the trading day.
  • If you require assistance in setting up any equipment, inform the Duty Manager and staff will provide assistance if possible.
  • All equipment will be inspected for damage once returned.
  • Any damage to Keele SU property must be reported at your earliest convenience.
  • Damage to equipment will be investigated to discover if it was accidental or intentional. Keele SU reserves the right to charge for the value of any equipment damage. Traders will not be welcome to trade until this charge has been cleared.


  • Stallholders providing their own gazebos must ensure they are in good repair, fit for purpose and the correct size for the requested stall space.
  • Gazebos must be weighted at all times with at least 12kg per corner.
  • Keele SU is not liable for any damage caused to gazebos or any other equipment during the trading day.
  • If a gazebo is deemed offensive, we will ask you to either cover up or remove any offending materials.
  • Keele SU reserves the right to refuse a gazebo at any time for any reason.
  • During periods of extreme weather such as strong winds, gazebos will not be permitted to be used during a trading event, and in these cases the event may be limited to covered or indoor areas.

Behaviour while on site

  • Any unacceptable behaviour including aggression, abusive language or refusal to comply with a reasonable direction will be treated as a breach of these conditions. Such a breach is likely to result in that stallholder being required to leave the markets immediately and being banned from trading at any future markets.
  • Any issues regarding the above must be reported to the Duty Manager at earliest opportunity, upon which an investigation will be launched.
  • Issues regarding copyright must be dealt with between the traders, we are a platform to trade from and will not get involved in the legalities of sorting any infringement or copyright issues.
  • Any stallholder using equipment or practices that could endanger the health & safety of any persons will be asked to leave the event.
  • Professionalism is expected from all traders while on site.


Stall set up and pack down

We expect all stall holders to ensure their stall is set up safely. It is essential that all walkways are clear, nothing that is hanging could cause harm and that the products are stacked securely. We have the right to ask you to remove products should they be deemed unsafe. If you are unsure if your stall is set up to a safe standard, speak to the Keele SU Duty Manager who will perform an inspection.

Keele SU reserves the right to conduct safety spot checks on any and all stalls at any time.
Once pack up is completed, ensure all rubbish is removed from the trading area, equipment has been packed up safely and any borrowed equipment has been returned.
Keele SU reserves the right to ban a trader from using equipment for any reason, including failure to return equipment or failure report damaged equipment