What can you count?

What qualifies as volunteering?

Definition of Volunteering

Volunteering is any unpaid activity that benefits the environment, individuals, or community groups. It must be a choice freely made by you.

Who Can Claim Volunteering Hours?

  • Community Volunteering: Charity work, assisting community groups.
  • Student Voice Representatives: SSVC meetings, preparation, training, forums.
  • Club and Society Committees: Marketing, event organisation, planning, administration.
  • Society Executives: Representing your society, meetings, training.
  • AU Committee: General duties, training, forums.
  • Keele SU Part-Time Elected Officers: Representing Keele SU, training, Union Council Meetings.
  • Student Trustees: Trustee Board meetings, training.
  • Campaign Groups: Contributing to campaigns, making promotional material, event administration.
  • Training and Skills Sessions: Committee Conference, Keele SU training sessions.
  • Work Experience: Unpaid work for independent organisations.
  • Fundraisers: Fundraising ventures for charitable organisations.

Logging Your Hours

  1. Register a profile: Keele SU Volunteering
  2. State the activity, hours, and skills gained.
  3. Fill in a personal review and provide evidence of activities.

Things to Be Aware Of

  • Provide evidence for all activities.
  • Old system applies for backdated hours.
  • Fundraising abroad can be counted.
  • Travel time within the UK can be counted.
  • Volunteering required by your course cannot be counted.
  • International students on a Tier 4 Visa may have restrictions.

Evidence for Activities

  • Minutes of committee meetings.
  • Contact details for verification.
  • Photos of events.

Note: Each committee member gets 5 hours added automatically for admin tasks.