Our Policies

Explore our charity's complete governing document and bye laws.

The Union is governed and strategically led by its Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for ensuring the effective day-to-day management of the Union, setting long-term goals, setting operational policies and managing risks. The Board has ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the organisation, ensuring that it is well-run and delivering its charitable objectives.

Trustees are appointed according to the rules laid out in the Union’s Constitution, with students directly electing the 5 Sabbatical Trustees via the annual elections in February / March every year. 

Below are our Governing Documents, in addition information on our Governance and Code of Practice with the University can be found on the following web pages;

Students’ unions - Keele University

KeeleSU Code of Practice - Keele University

Governing Documents

Data Protection Policies & Forms

ASK (Advice Service)

Other Policies & Documents

For University and campus wide policies and documents please see the Keele University website