Feedback & Complaints

We want everyone to be happy with their experience at KeeleSU. However, if things go wrong, we want you to be able to let us know.

Have Your Say!

As a student-led charity, we want to hear from you about the issues you face and challenges you want us to take on. One way to do this would be to submit an idea be voted on and discussed with fellow students. Ideas submitted are taken to our Union General Meeting (UGM) where your idea will be discussed voted on by the student body



We welcome feedback, and see it as an opportunity to help us understand how we can achieve our vision, mission and values. We use all feedback to help us improve.
If you have any feedback about your experience at Keele SU please email contact us:

  • What the issue is
  • How you feel it could be resolved

We will do our best to respond to all feedback but we will always take that feedback and pass it on to the relevant staff member or elected officer
If possible we will let you know if there are any actions based on your feedback.



We believe in evolving and adapting to the world around us regularly to ensure that we are always as relevant as possible. Part of how to achieve this is by listening to complaints and responding to how members are receiving the services we deliver.

If something has gone wrong, or you are not happy with the service you have been provided with, please speak to a staff member or the duty manager to try to resolve the issue.

If you have a problem, question, or issue, please speak to a member of staff or a manager - we are here to help. If this does not resolve the problem, or it is not possible, then our complaints process is designed to help. 

This is a very short guide to our complaints process - for more details, please see the main Complaint Policy and Procedure

Early Resolution
If your problem can’t be resolved informally, you can make use of our Early Resolution process. The aim is to resolve your complaint as soon as possible, and outcomes can include:

  • Providing you with more information about the situation
  • Suggested solutions
  • Telling you what steps have been taken to stop the problem from reoccurring


Formal Complaint
If Early Resolution isn’t appropriate, or if the issue is too complicated, or if Early Resolution hasn’t worked, you can complete a Complaint Form to tell us what the problem is and what outcome you are looking for.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your Formal Complaint, you can ask for a review by writing to the CEO, using  If you are not happy with the review you can ask the University to investigate.



Student Number* (If Applicable) 


Complaint relates to* (please provide the detailsof the person or service thiscomplaint relates to)

Brief outline of the complaint* Outline a factual statement of the circumstances of the complaint, including detailing any individuals involved in or witness to the issue. Attach any evidence or information in support of this complaint:

What are you looking for as an outcome?* (Requested remedy will be considered but cannot be guaranteed).

Additional Information:*