The Great Donate collects donated clothes, kitchen equipment, and household items to resell back to students at affordable prices. The program also receives food donations which are sent to the Trussel Trust.
If you're moving out of your student accommodation or you have some unwanted items that you would like to donate this program is for you!
The Great Donate Program allows students to donate unwanted items instead of them being sent to landfill.
Every year we receive tonnes of donations including food for local food banks.
Every year we organise collections for clothes, kitchen equipment, household items, and food donations at Keele.
We allow all non-perishable food donations such as tinned food or cereals. These are done through trays that are left in Halls of Residence Kitchens at the end of each academic year. Other items are collected through donation points located at the Students’ Union as well as all the campus common rooms (The Stye, The Cross, and the Hex).
Any other donations can be donated to the British Heart foundation bins located around campus, see hereThis link will open in a new tab.
Any donations that are not clean or that we don’t accept will have to go to landfill.
Key events
We hold stalls throughout the year where you can buy our items. These will vary so please do check or follow our Instagram and Facebook @GreatDonateKeele.
We need volunteers for our stalls and events! Please consult our social media if you are interested in any volunteering opportunities with us!